a here is my haiku poem and picture
Malia’s Haiku
Tall mountains
Big landscapes
Sundunes waving
The ruff and
Rocky makorori
Of ruff and delicate
This haiku is about the experiences in makorori like the sand dunes because when I go there there’s heaps of sundunes and when it's windy the plants growing wave. And when I mean by tall mountains is like the cliffs because away from the houses you see what looks like a tall mountain cliff. And in Makorori a notice the waves can be big and ruff and you can sometimes see rocks in the ocean at low tide and some people hunt for crabs.the waves can be ruff and delicate because some waves can break easily and others can last longer. The last thing is the landscapes because just before you go down to the beach when you drive out from opihi there is big landscapes from a carpark view.
What is Hone Tuwhare
Haiku about
What is a Haiku?
The haiku by Hone Tuwhare is about a river snivelling
Because the water is drying up. And it's supposed to make it sound like a sad feeling. For Example sniveling because its that sound you sound like when your crying because you hear that snorting,sniffing noise .Hone’s Haiku is based on a river being sad like when the water dries up.
What I picture in my head
I picture in my head a river or preck in peace but suddenly a sniveling noise fills the air like a creaking bed but you can not stop it. Hail raining causing a flooding water but the sniveling noise laughs again.(this was a thought I didn’t understand so I had a guess)
How does Hone describe snivelling?
I think he describes snivelling as the water is
Despairing I think it's the noise its making while its
I was away for the magpie task
here is my story for hairy Maclary story
Breehilda the sassy cocker spaniel diva
Was out and about
Finding something to chase, something to scare
until she came across
Lulu smelly and yuck
Was pating a ball while
Breehilda was getting ready the growl
chasing her to the other side of the fence
Then she
Lifted her alone
All scared in fright
Breehilda the cocker spaniel
Bounced into
Millie mongine
Skinny and silly’s
hiding behind the shed where Mille mongine
Was chasing a rat
when Breehilda began to
Breehilda gave her a fright chasing
her up onto a tree
Barking and chuckling as she
Left her alone
Breehilta the cocker spaniel
Skipping along
Breehilta saw a tail
Chucking she got ready to pound
Biting and clawing onto tail
It was scarface claw
In horror and fear
The sassy cocker spaniel diva
Run away
Back past the shops and dairies
All the way home
My new years peom
HAPPY New Years Aotearoa
That Night
Bloom Bloom BLOOM!
There’s fireworks in Air
The neighbors are Screaming “HAPPY NEW YEARS”
FOOD! Everywhere down The table
As you can see outside Grandfather is on
The barbecue Everyone is happy
Everyone is parading around the room
That it feels like christmas time
10 minutes later….. Everyone is tired
Everyone has calmed down
Soon the hour will reach midnight
Soon 10seconds countdown
I can’t wait but Wait a minute i’m asleep
Happy new year!” the neighborhood
Shouts while i’m fast asleep Lying down on the couch
The Sunrise
It is dark it is Quiet there is
No possum, bird, or creature Stirring
No fireworks or parties on Everyone is asleep
I rise up like a hot ball of Fire
The sky around me is orange and pink
Soon after I can see People waking up to walk
on the beach to see Me by the wide open sea For today is
January the 1st Happy New Years
Now there’s just Matariki yet to come.
here is my sunrise art
first I started with the different types of brown from dark to light after I tried green I did many layers of it but different find the right texture so I tried dabbing the brush onto the hills and I added white to it
here is my money art
the person I choose was Jascinda Arden because she is the new Crime minster of New Zealand
she is hosted a labour party and also was asked to read and comfort her country after an attack the number I choose was 10
my animal was a kereru a kereru is a endemic to new zealand
kereru help us maintain New Zealand's Native forrest's
I didn't do the matariki art
making a painting for my new years poem.
next time I should try using pencils coloured pencils because colour pencil help with the texture and shade light making it dark to light
I'm either thinking about a sunset or a sunrise for my poem because a sunrise represents the first morning of the new year and the sunset is getting ready for fireworks and waiting for the countdown
I might go for pastel colours for the sunrise or sunset
I am using summer colours because New years is in the summer here are summer colours

A new Idea i've thought of is making my artwork look like a bunch of fireworks
like this here are ideas I found on the internet

I got to choose colours that relate to new years
- blue = peace , good heath
- red = love , strength
- fuchsia
- green = calm, well being
- orange = creativity
- pink = friendship
- purple = wisdom
- white =
- yellow = joy and happiness
- Gold